
AAS | 攻守有序

页面贡献者:桀氓AlbertWensley, ZJH

In-game description | 游戏内描述

Advance and Secure is a control point mode, the objective for both teams is to capture and hold Control Points (aka Flags) in a preset order. Capturing enemy flags penalizes the enemy team and rewards you with additional Tickets. The team who first runs out of tickets will lose.


攻守有序(Advance and Secure, AAS)是 Squad 中一种主要的游戏模式,双方在开局都可看到所有旗点的位置,目标都是按预设顺序占领和坚守控制点(又名旗点)。夺取敌方旗点会使敌方票数减少、己方票数增加。票数最先用尽的队伍会输。


攻守有序的地图列表请前往 地图手册模式索引 查看。

最后更新: 2023-05-21
创建日期: 2023-05-18